Monday, September 30, 2019

What is the Purpose of the Daily News?

What is the purpose of the daily news? Many will answer and say that the news is there to inform the public, but is that really their purpose. Most of the news that is shown on television is shown in less than two to three-minute segments; a person cannot become informed on certain topics in that little amount of time. The three-minute segments of news that are displayed on television only give the viewer a watered down version of information from a biased point of view. When a person watches the news one can see that many of images shown are negative towards a certain subject. The viewer may not see it but the shocking or exciting images being displayed constantly on the daily news must have some greater purpose than to inform the viewer. The greater purpose is to provoke public interest and excitement; this provocation of public interest and excitement through the use of exciting or shocking images, stories, and language is called news sensationalism. Many people think they are being informed by the news but what they do not realize is that it is not always enlightening, as it should be, but it is instead very captivating. Through the use of sensationalism the news that is displayed on television everyday impacts and influences a person by showing them negative images, using â€Å"buzz† words, providing one-sided information, and by restricting boundaries of information. What types of images are displayed daily on the news? Tune into the news and the first image that are shown are images on something negative like murder, war, violence, and death. News stations display these types of negative images in order to acquire your attention. Negative images on the news grab people's attention because they rarely happen in a person's life. People are attracted to negative images of violence and death because they find them fascinating. These negative images are fascinating because many people have not experienced them first hand; there exists less violence and death now than in any other time in human history. Humans are creatures who have evolved over time from a civilization of violence and death to one that has become more sophisticated and educated. Therefore, when images of violence and death are displayed on television they show people a part of the human past that was more violent. This shows that humans have some type wickedness inside them because if they did not humans would not sit in front of their television watching news on people's death. Now when horrible events occur in this world people can see it on the news, therefore, one can say that human beings have become desensitized to negative images because they are being shown constantly in a continual loop. Consequently, the negative images of violence and death may be showed on the news in order to remind humans of their violent past and to show that these events do occur in real life. In addition, the negative images help people manage with their current situations by showing them that their lives are not so bad and could be much worse. The continual loop of negative images reflects that society likes the negative because it reminds humans of their fascination for violence and helps people cope with their current situations. The news media use â€Å"buzz† words constantly in their news and headlines to capture a viewer's attention in order to instill fear and make profit. â€Å"Buzz† words, according to the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, are type of words or phrases that usually sound important or technical and are used primarily to impress people without knowledge in a particular subject (â€Å"buzzword†). First off when a news station tries to grab the viewers attention they usually use the headline â€Å"We just got breaking news,† this phrase immediately captures a person's attention because one does not know what to expect. After that phrase is said some type of â€Å"buzz† word usually follows it immediately because people will not know about the subject since it is breaking news. For example, when 9/11 occurred it was breaking news and president Bush followed right after the attack with a small speech. In that speech president Bush used the â€Å"buzz† words terrorism, bombing, and extremism because they sounded technical to the situation. President Bush's words captured the people's attention and impressed them so much that they were instilled with fear and eventually lead to the war in Iraq. Moreover, by obtaining people's attention through the use of â€Å"buzz† words news stations draw more views, which in turn allows them to get higher ratings and make profit. News stations make profit by selling airtime to commercials, so a news station with a lot of viewers will make a great quantity of money. Therefore, â€Å"buzz† words are used more now than ever before because using them allows news stations to instill fear and gather more viewers which amounts to more profit. When people watch the news they tend to trust the information they are getting because many people are lazy to go searching for information on their own, as a result the news seems real and authentic but in reality the news merely provides biased information. The news provides one-sided information because it is in the news stations best interest to do so; being biased allows news stations to attract specific types of viewers. By attracting a specific type of viewer it allows news stations to push a distinct viewpoint. For example, Fox news is a conservative media outlet that attracts conservatives, while MSNBC is liberal media outlet that attracts liberals. They each have their different point of view but they cater to people who have the same view as them. Therefore, when people watch the news on one of these networks they shall only be informed on one side of the argument. This also shows something about the viewers; it shows that the viewers only watch specific news networks in order to reinforce their side of the argument. Every human has their own one-sided view when it comes to specific subjects, so in order to prove that their view is right to individuals they have to reinforce their biased view in some way and that way is through the news (Eveland). For example, when a person thinks of a Muslim they usually think of a person who is a terrorist and from the Middle East. Their belief on what a Muslim person is was reinforced by the news coverage on 9/11. This gave many people biased views on what type of people are terrorists; the news coverage gave Americans the false perception that all Muslim people must be terrorists that hail from the Middle East. Therefore, most of the biased views that come from the news can be attributed to the viewer's self-centered ideology that they have to be right because the news intention is only to give viewers what they want to hear. In essence, the daily news that is shown is always biased because different media outlets want to attract and give specific viewers what they want. News stations have created restricted boundaries so that people don't searching for information outside of them. One must first ask what are those restricted boundaries? These restricted boundaries are the information that is not shown to the public. National governments hold many secrets and if they were to be exposed by the news to the citizens many of them would feel betrayed. If people could not trust their government they would most likely rebel so in order to keep their trust the government works behind the scenes controlling what is shown on the news. Many governments do this by regulating the media through the use of money by either fining the news companies or allowing them to be tax exempt. Therefore the news can be used to keep people under control and manipulate them. For example, the media coverage on the 9/11 terrorist attacks was used to manipulate American citizens to go to war with Iraq even though Iraq had nothing do with it. President Bush's administration manipulated â€Å"evidence† on the news so that he could get Americans citizens to agree with him to invade Iraq (Hutchinson). Everyone in America at that time was so focused on revenge that no one dared question the information that was provided on the news. At that time it was a restricted boundary to question whether the war in Iraq was just; everyone just assumed it was justifiable after what had happened. It was not until many years later that Americans went outside the restricted boundary to uncover the truth about why they had invaded Iraq. The news was and continues to be manipulated so that people never search for information outside of restricted boundaries because what they might find may not be what they were shown. The news original intention was to inform the public and provide accurate information. It has changed drastically through the use of news sensationalism. Negative images are now shown so constantly in a continual loop that humans have become attracted to them, which in turn, has helped people cope with their current living situations. â€Å"Buzz† words have also gone on the rise because they have enticed more viewers, which have helped news stations instill fear into people and make more profit. Information on the news has now become biased in order to cater to certain types of people because viewers now only want to reinforce that they are right and justified in their opinions. Restricted boundaries have also been created by the news so that viewers do not go searching for information outside of them because many people may find out that they have been manipulated in some way by the news that was presented to them. To sum it up, the daily news that is presented now is not what it used to be; it is now a tool used by media outlets to distort the truth.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Shawshank Redemption

Andy’s Changed Life In the film, Shawshank Redemption, directed by Frank Darabont, insight was given to the life of prisoners in bondage. Tim Robbins’ character Andy gave an excellent illustration on how new prisoners enter a world of unknown dangers and survive. Andy’s metamorphosis from â€Å"lanky new fish† to a man of prestige was definitely interesting. His change reflected on his fellow prisoners, the Prison staff, and himself as well during his sentence. Andy exemplified a man who could compromise with his surroundings and make the best of every moment.The story of Andy’s life in the Shawshank Redemption gave insight for every man beginning his prison journey. Upon the arrival of all new prisoners stood Andy, a man convicted of murder. Like any other, bets were placed on him to challenge how long he could last. Andy began his new life quiet and concrete. His fellow prisoners had no idea what type of man he would become. After being attacked a nd raped on numerous occasions Andy had to stand up for himself. As he gradually made friends with Morgan Freeman’s character, Redd, his network grew. He needed things and Redd got it for him.From that point on because of his attitude people grew interested. Andy became one of the most friendliest and dependable friends any of the prisoners ever had. The ways he carried himself and acted upon situations were accepted throughout the entire prison. Once he became well-known it was as if he was the leader of a new clan and the people enjoyed following him. He opened pathways for the men and fought for their education. Through him the prisoners were able to enjoy a library and earned opportunities to get their GED or anything else. Andy was definitely no longer a â€Å"lanky new fish† by the time he left Shawshank Prison.As for the Prison staff at Shawshank Prison, Andy’s attitude and persona took a toll on them as well. Andy was never one to cause trouble or engage in anything involving violence. After a bold act towards the head officer Andy became the accountant and tax preparer for almost the whole Prison Staff. He helped to set up college funds and savings for many of the officers. Andy’s work became so good that the warden himself used him as his personal accountant to maintain his dirty money. At this point Andy had gained respect throughout the entire prison and the officers often looked out for him.The Prison staff became dependable on Andy and his marvelous works. He handled and managed their money so they really had no choice but to trust him. I think it shocked every officer to see himself getting help from a prisoner. As Andy grew within the prison, it can be assumed that he became a prominent figure in maintain the prison itself. Therefore his role as a prisoner seemed to have disappeared and he was just a man. Officers may have feared him as a person because he grew with prestige but in the end they needed him. Every man can see a change in himself whether it is good or bad.Andy definitely saw his change from when he first entered to his last days standing on in the prison yard. When he entered prison he had no idea what he had actually done. After sitting around and living from day to day he was able to realize that life is entirely too short to sit and do nothing. He had been sentence to life on behalf of each murdered person and it was nothing he could to about. He compromised, made friends, and made the best out of every moment. He grew to recite his favorite line, â€Å"I’m innocent, isn’t everybody here? Andy noticed the life of others and knew that it wasn’t a life for him. People depended on the four walls that surrounded them, but Andy understood that they were only temporary. There was life beyond what Shawshank Prison offered. As he looked in the mirror and saw how he was aging his whole attitude changed and it reflected on in his walk and even his talk. Life is all about changing and living. Andy’s life definitely changed and he lived through each moment. His fellow prisoners had first hand experience of his life as an innocent man to a man who could and would take risk.As it shocked them, it shocked him as well. The Prison Staff didn’t clearly understand the type of man he was because he was one of a kind. I admire him because he took his surroundings and made life of it. He helped and changed people’s mind sets of life itself. Andy opened people’s hearts and minds and did it all out of his heart. I don’t believe that he needed prison to understand his purpose in life but it definitely helped him to find one. Works Cited Shawshank Redemption. Dir. Frank Darabont. Columbia Pictures, 1994. Videocassette

Saturday, September 28, 2019

American Diet

A proper diet should be sufficient, reasonable and include a person’s other aspects, such as age, his food habits and food preferences. A proper diet should meet a person’s overall need for nutrition’s to maintain his overall health. Like all other people in different parts of the world, Americans have also become more health cautious and choosy about what they eat. People have become more concerned about the quality and safety of the food they consume. Awareness of nutritious foods has led to many people opting for organic, vegetarian and other healthy foods in the present market. â€Å"Lite food is in, and indulgence is out. But are Americans practicing what they preach?†(Line no.3, Dietary Trends, American) .   But different surveys indicate that, the diet consumed by majority of the people in America is still lacking in the required nutrition quantities, despite the health consciousness in people. Common Diet Of An American On an average every other youngster in America follow the same diet pattern, more than half of the Americans consume snack items or fast foods on a regular basis, which are high in calories. Consumption of fried chicken form KFC like chicken nuggets is also very high among youngsters. These snack items though very tasty are very high in salt and Monosodium Glutamate (MSG), which is very harmful.   The food that is easily available like potato chips, French fries and other canned and tinned foods also contain a high amount of salt to last for a long time, which is very risky to a persons health.   Consumption of cheese, meat, poultry and fish items have gone up compared to the past.   The reason for this can be that many youngsters either skip there breakfast or lunch, or tend to eat easy and fast food which is readily available in the market to overcome their hunger.All the fast foods are generally deep fried, high in sodium, fat and salt, low in minerals, vitamins and fiber, which are all the main cause for many diseases in Americans.   Some of the common diseases, which affect people who consume fast food are, asthma, autism, stress related problems, depression, cholesterol, diabetes, heart problems and obesity.   And adding to the woes, many KFC outlets offer discounts if a person purchases a larger quantity, which adds empty calories and results in eating more than the required amount, with lesser nutrients. Foods To Avoid The food available in most of the famous outlets for e.g. KFC, McDonald’s, Pizza Hut and other fast food outlets are some of the food that one should try to avoid.   Every person should try to avoid the following foods Sausages Scrambled Eggs, Grilled chicken, Hot and spicy chicken, pizza’s, hamburger’s, hotdog’s, French fries, other soups that contain soy sauce, noodles, pasta, white bread, tinned or canned food, instant soup and noodles mix, beef items, processed cheese, salad dressings, potato chips, canned tuna, yeast, dry mushrooms and other salty items. One should remember that, any food, which is high in salt, is also high in MSG.   Every person should carefully read the label to know what the tin contains, before purchasing any food item.   People should also avoid consuming sugar, sweets, aerated, soft drinks and sweetened dishes like pastries, cookies etc. which are high in calories. On an average, the percentage of people consuming soft drinks has been on an alarming rise compared to the past.   Every person who goes to work has a ready soft drink on his desk, to quench his thirst.   It has become impossible for the Government to estimate the soft drink consumption on an annual basis.Foods To Include Important changes in a person’s diet and lifestyle may go a long way in improving one’s health. People should be more inclined to consume raw food, food that has more fiber, fresh fruits and food that is not sprayed with any chemicals or contains any preservatives.   People should be encouraged to consume whole wheat bread, brown rice, legumes and more fresh leafy vegetables, which are high in fiber and more filling.   Foods that are rich in omega-3 and 6 fatty acids are very good for the health, e.g. sardines, mackerel, walnuts, olive oil, canned tuna in olive oil, flaxseeds are very good sources of these acids. An example of a proper vegetarian diet should include fresh fruits, vegetable, whole grains, nuts, eggs, skimmed milk, legumes and trimmed meat or other poultry. Care should be taken to include the necessary vitamins, which are not found in the above-mentioned food. To add more flavor to salad dressings lemon juice, pepper powder, ginger, rosemary and garlic can be used, instead of salt. Oils like, almond, canola, sunflower, flaxseed, olive and sesame oil can be used for cooking.   Taking homemade soups or salads before every meal, is more filling and helps us to eat less in the main course, which helps in not putting on empty calories. People should try to avoid skipping meals and eating at fast food centers and restaurants, and make it a habit to eat proper healthy and hygienically home-cooked meals, which are high in nutrients and fiber. One should avoid eating a meal in front of the television, as we may tend to eat more than the required quantity of food.   A combination of a healthy and nutritious diet, with proper exercise, good fitness, a positive attitude towards life and a healthy and happy lifestyle is the perfect remedy to every young American.Works CitedDietary Trends, American, 20 February 2007, Foods to Avoid, 20 February 2007,

Friday, September 27, 2019

Company Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Company Law - Essay Example AoA) or Memorandum of Association (MoA) (Tomasic, Bottomley and McQueen, 2002). The key legal issue identified is in the case scenario concentrates on whether the actions of Anna and Susanna were focused on yielding personal benefits or the company’s interest. Step 2: The Relevant Law A company’s management is generally administered by the provisions of Corporations Law under Section 134 which applies to companies as ‘replaceable laws’ by constitution. However, it is the sole discretion of the company’s management to decide on the number of replaceable laws to be applied which are mentioned in the Corporations Act 2001. Furthermore, Section 140(1)(b) of the Corporations Act 2001 states that replaceable and constitution laws are obliged to a contract engaging the company and its directors under which every director agrees to adhere to the rules and constitutions mentioned as per the organisational interests (PricewaterhouseCoopers, 2011). In relation to Section 198 of Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) the directors of the companies possess the authority to exercise all the discretionary powers except for those which require additional approvals in accordance to the constitution. With reference to Section 198C, the directors of a company may assign a managing director and bestow the personnel with responsibilities according to their convenience and requirements. Furthermore, the management also enjoys the authority to cancel or reassign powers of the managing director, who have been assigned with the discretion of all the directors (Tomasic, Bottomley and McQueen, 2002). Under the act, if a company or its entitled directors aim to appoint a managing director it must ensure that the formalities comply with the Corporations Act 2001 as mentioned under Section 198C. The law specifies that the directors of the company should adhere to certain rules that have been decided and assigned to the managing director, irrespective of their discreti onary powers. Breaching of contracts or agreements within the directors or shareholders of a company may lead to violation of the law as stated in Section 180(1) by the Corporate Law Reform Act 1992. A similar situation have been identified in the case of Vines v ASIC (2007) 73 NSWLR 451, where the director breached the common law or contract, and consequentially, the court agreed that the judgement could amount to sue the director for the damages caused by negligence of law (Pitt and Luxton, 2011). However, statutory defences are available under Sections 180(3) of the Business Judgement Rule which states that breach of contract can be defended if the director can prove that the decision and action taken was in relevant to the business operations of the corporation (Nadeau, 2006). Step 3: Apply the Law to the Problem Leaping Lizard Coffee Emporium Pty Ltd specialises in coffee and other coffee-related accessories. It operates as a private company formed by Joan, Anna, Prafula and Su sanna who were further designated as the directors of the company with equal share capital. In addition, the company consists of three members each owning 1000 ordinary class shares. The company has been registered under the Corporations Act 2001 in the year 2012 and adopted replaceable rules under Sections 6, 33A to 39, 198A and 198C. Besides, the company has appointed a managing direct

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Eggsactly LTD Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Eggsactly LTD - Essay Example It has two departments viz. the sales department and the production department. Present scenario included the fact that the market had continued with the original enthusiasm exhibited in this machine and continued to demand more and more of such machines. However despite such a robust demand the company was not as profitable as expected due to certain cost considerations. There are two complimentary approaches to improve the profitability of the concern. One is to increase the funds position of the concern by inviting new capital into the company. This would automatically result in expansion of the production base of the company and hopefully, result in the spreading of most fixed costs on a higher production base thus improving the profits. Second approach is to follow careful budgeting process in the concern covering all of its operations. In fact budgeting process has been missing entirely at the concern with reported mismatches in sales forecast and resultant carrying over of the finished goods' inventories. Ideally the concern would benefit the most if the two approaches are taken in tandem as following second approach would not only help control the fixed costs but also the variable costs would be streamlined. In addition, the budgeting system proposed is likely to be responsibility linked budgeting system in which each executive would be assigned the key budgeted figures and be accountable and responsible for variations if significant. Sales Function Merely an over enthusiastic top executive is no guarantee to a successful sales function. This enthusiasm is, in part, attributable to the fact that the product to be sold is a successful product idea in its present form and features and is well accepted by the market and there is not much need to take up conscious advertising and media campaign. Due to this fact, while it is conceded that normal marketing strategy can be reduced to selling function in case of Eggsactly Ltd; even the vanilla sales function needs to be planned carefully and tied up with the production department. This can come through an integrated budgeting system where in the sales budget is linked and integrated with the production budget. The Sales manager would be accountable for key budgeted figures in the sales budget. The Sales Manager can, in turn, pass down, the accountability down the line to his sales executives, who may be assigned this accountability according to distribution of sales targets to them. A s part of individual initiatives the Sales Manager must look into the aspect of high turnover in his department. Some staff retention incentives can be introduced which are linked with sales targets and accountability which would help reduce the high turnover of the staff in Sales department. After this entire budgeting process must be reckoned in all its possibilities for Eggsactly Ltd and end in he choice of the best alternative which suits contextual realities of the concern. Budgeting Process Budgets are drawn to assist in clarifying and attaining business objectives. These objectives can be varied but can be commonly listed as minimizing costs/controlling expenditures, increasing revenues, gaining a higher market share, improving spread/margins (through increased sales), etc. Therefore, a statement of identified objectives becomes important at the commencement of

Project Management Applicatio Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Project Management Applicatio - Assignment Example Patience privacy in health organization is of high concern in today’s era when technology is adversely evolving. The data stored in the health systems database may experience harm that causes physical damage to the hard disks and the systems. Before Health insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was implemented, there were no prior standards of determining whether health cares should securely store patient’s information. After the implementation of the HIPAA act, health cares boosted their databases where confidentiality and portability of patient records were harnessed. If health organizations do not comply with the HIPAA, they can face a penalty of $250,000 and if the violation is repeated the culprit faces fines up to $1.5 million. Organizations first step should be Risk analysis. Organizations should follow the HIPAA risk analysis techniques. The risk analysis should provide medical staff with deep knowledge of understanding the risks involved with inte grity and confidentiality of patient information. The HIPAA act requires that health cares should â€Å"implement policies and procedures to prevent, detect, contain and correct security violations through assessment of potential risks†. I order to mitigate the risks involved physical safeguards such as the building of alarm systems as well as the use of extensive monitoring screen should be widely implemented. Administrative safeguards should also be used in order to secure the authorized exchange of patient information in different hospitals.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Explain Aristotle's Notion of Substance Research Paper

Explain Aristotle's Notion of Substance - Research Paper Example It will be argued along with Leszl's claim that substance is more than just a category for logic, and that it is really an argument for the nature of being. There is no separating logic from ontology in Aristotle when it comes to substance and it with regard to ontology, substance is that which is constant set against everything else which changes. The context in which "first substance" emerges, concerns the "combination of words, expressions and phrases." (Categories, 1a16). Aristotle first divides these kategoriai of words, expressions and phrases by distinguishing how some predicates are are "present" in a subject, while others are "parts within a whole" (Categories, 1a20), which is marked by a difference between something "which cannot exist apart from the subject referred to", such as an attribute like "whiteness" (Categories, 1a24-1b2), and something which can be attributed but which is not found phenomenally "in a subject", such as predicating the species "man" to an individua l man, as a subject. Aristotle adds that there may also be predicates which can be asserted of a subject, and yet which are neither present physically, or related in a genus-individual relation. These kategoriai he raises as particular or individual expressions with a direct object, or direct reference: "this or that man or horse, for example" (Categories, 1b4), which is a form of predication related to both substance, and the mind, and will be outlined in more detail in the section dealing with De Anima. At this point in the Categories, Aristotle is explicit about this instance of substance as being "primary" (Categories, 1b11-13), and it is therefore a topic which is not a question for the agenda at hand, which are the rules of "combination of words, expressions and phrases"-- or, "secondary substance" (Categories, 1b14). He proceeds at this point to establish further specifications for the rules of predication, such as predicate of a subject, is also a predicate of a substance(Ca tegories, 1b9-15, 1b21-25), and how some predicates may help to differentiate genus's, but not species (Categories, 1b16-20), and finally how "each uncombined word or expression" will be determined by a particular form of possible predicate. Having covered the possible predicates in terms of their forms, relation via genus, species, and how whether the predicate is necessarily "present" in a subject or not, he addresses the criteria itself which determines all of these possible combination's and types of combination's, which is the first important step into substance-- a step which more clearly divides primary from secondary substances, and a division which can be characterized as a division between substance (primary) and subject (secondary). Aristotle gives the simple example that "`Footed', `two-footed' and `winged'" are attributes which are true of genus, but which do not allow for the distinction of a particular species, given that many species possess these attributes.(Categor ies, 1b16-20). Primary substance is more a topic proper to the Physics and Metaphysics, given that actual being and actual beings are the focus, not, as in the Categories with how these beings can be "expressed". As we shall see, the Metaphysics addresses

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Sustainable Development and its overall impact Assignment

Sustainable Development and its overall impact - Assignment Example It is related with the utilisation of resources, excess consumption of resources, insufficiency, human rights and availability of facilities. Therefore, evaluation of sustainable development should accept a time limit which can capture both human and environment and react with the requirement of future and present generation. Proper anticipation of future needs should be done on the basis of historic circumstances. The sustainable framework of an organisation should link with the chosen vision and objectives of organisation. A number of measurement amalgamations are effective to provide vibrant indication of progress towards sustainability. By associating the measurement value with the target, organisations can comprehend the ways and the tendencies towards sustainable development (Hardi & Zdan, 1997). Values and Beliefs: Values and beliefs are vital for management of sustainability. Therefore, organisations ought to ensure a level of openness in their operations which can ensure tru st and faith. There is need for applying considerable level of transparency in business performances which also includes measurement of sustainable progress. In order to add value, organisations can maintain close interaction with the government and the public. The involvement of people such as professionals, social groups comprising youths and ethnic people can help to ensure acknowledgement of miscellaneous and fluctuating values. Participations of communities can also help to secure an organisation by connecting implemented policies with consequential actions (International Energy Agency, 2006). Evaluation of Sustainable Development: Organisations need to be iterative, adaptive and reactive to any kind of... Center of discussion in this paper is sustainable development as a kind of development which satisfies the requisites of present times without sacrificing the aptitudes of upcoming generations to satisfy their own requirements. In relation to the case there are five major aspects of sustainable development principles which are: establishing vision, universal perception, needs and rights, values and beliefs, evaluation of sustainable development. Sustainable development is an extensive concept where human and organisational actions can affect the environment and social welfare. Organisations along with individuals have responsibilities to promote sustainable development. From the above analysis of cases, it can be observed that several organisations and bodies implement different measures to protect and to restore the environment and natural resources. In order to accomplish a positive future, above aspects should be considered by organisations and should also implement measures that can reduce the negative environmental impacts. Organisational structure and culture should be changed and adjusted towards better sustainability and the organisations also need to comply with the rules and the regulations of environment. In order to enhance the biodiversity, several projects have been undertaken as a part of sustainable development. One such project is development of â€Å"Bird Flapper† where a disk is linked with the power lines.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Enginering Science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Enginering Science - Essay Example A. Shear Diagram: B. Moment Diagram: C. Maximum Bending Moment = 80 kN.m 2. A simply supported beam of length 10M has a concentrated load of 30kN 3m from the left hand end and another concentrated load of 50kN 3m from the right hand end. P1 a. Draw the shear force diagram. b. Draw the bending moment diagram c. Determine the maximum bending moment in the beam. d. Determine the maximum shear force. A. Shear Diagram: B. Moment Diagram: C. Maximum Bending Moment = 132 kN.m D. Maximum Shear Force = 44 kN 3. The maximum bending moment a beam can sustain is 175 x 10 6 Nmm. If the maximum stress in tension or compression is 165 N/mm2 suggest an appropriate section beam from the table in the appendix P2 Given: M = 175 x 10 6 Nmm f = 165 N/mm2 Solution: Section Modulus, Z = M / f Z = 175 x 10 6 / 165 = 1060606.061 mm3 = 1060.61 cm3 The lightest section with Z > 1060.61 is the I beam 406 x 178 with Z = 1186 cm3 4. A steel column is required to support a load with a slenderness ratio of less than 100. If the column is fixed at both ends and is 3m long, suggest a suitable section from the table in the appendix. P2 Effective length factor, k = 0.5 for fixed columns L = 300 cm Since kL/r

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Platos Reflection on Metaphysics Essay Example for Free

Platos Reflection on Metaphysics Essay A combination of the Greek word, meta, which translates to â€Å"after,† â€Å"beyond,† â€Å"along with,† â€Å"among,† and â€Å"behind,† and the Latin term, physica, that simply means the science of matter and physical properties. Philosophers refer to this term to theorize about the different elements of the world in which we live and the world that truly exists. One of the most prominent philosophers is Plato, who set the foundation for many modern philosophers on their perspective of reality through reason. Plato believed in two separate realities; the physical and the immaterial. He claimed that a dividing line existed between the two worlds, and the immaterial or intelligible is of more importance in the discovery of truth than the physical properties of our world. Comprised of intangible properties but that can be seen through logic, the immaterial world is grasping the reason behind the idea of an object and separating those elements from the subject. Plato explicates the physical world as anything or objects that is identified by one of our five senses. Within the physical world are two subsets, image and tangible object. Image refers to the shadow or reflection of the image. In addition, the physical object is self explanatory; the object distinguished by touch, taste, smell, or sight. Although primarily disconnected, the two worlds cannot exist without each other and the knowledge that pertains to both. For example, Plato utilizes a ball as the subject to form an analogy of the collaboration between the two realities. From childhood, we are taught that a ball is a ball based on others perception and knowledge of it; not our original thought. The ball exists in the world of appearances, physical. However, its intangible properties such as, roundness, exist on a parallel plane. Plato describes that plane as the world of Forms. In an effort to further enlighten us, Plato sets guidelines for the properties to forms. First, forms are objective; ideas exist through reason and not experiential. Objects that we perceive are reliant upon our experiences and verbal confirmation of the object and not the actual perspective of the object. Therefore, one can surmise that our senses are isleading, and the reality in which we live is different from others and the true reality. Next, forms are transcendent. The property remains true in spite of time and space. Third, forms are eternal. As aforementioned, Plato believes forms are unchanging; true concept behind an object is unchanging, redness. The form is separate from our subjective image. True comprehension lies in individually analyzing each separate form that comprises the object an d identifies it as what we perceive it as. Forth, forms are models; truest essence of an idea to which an object copies the form and combines it with other elements to create a copied version of a sample of the form. Fifth, forms are intellectual species; can only be determined through reason separating the being from the object. Lastly, forms are perfection. In its purest state, a form is a singular entity. A material object collects bits of forms and its perfection making the object itself impure. A material object cannot be perfect in its existence because it is but an imitation of several forms that only alone are perfect. Plato’s concept of reality or the simultaneous existence of the two realities are at best intriguing and worthy of exploring. However, as he himself stated, we can never come in direct contact with the immaterial world. Therefore, how can true knowledge be acquired or ascertained? Once again, it is not until we are no longer part of this world that we may finally discover the truth behind this vast universe and the world or worlds in which we reside.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Islamic Principles Of Advertising Marketing Essay

The Islamic Principles Of Advertising Marketing Essay Our research is an attempt to establish an advertisement evaluating scale based on  guidelines  provided by the shariah advisors/ Islamic Scholars. Using that scale we evaluated three sectors of Pakistan;  Telecom, Detergent  and Beverages sector. Through  this  scale we were able to conclude which particular companys/sectors advertising  activities  are  complying  or non-complying  with the shariah  guidelines to a certain extent because our variables were limited in number. We  focused our study on the three highest spending sectors on  advertisements. From Telecom sector we picked to evaluate commercials of Mobilink, Ufone and Telenor. From detergent sector we picked Ariel, Surf Excel and Brite Total. From Beverages sector we picked Cocoa Cola, Pepsi and Pakola. Five TV commercials of each company for the year 2009, 2010 2011 were selected for evaluation. Through an in depth study of various related research journals and primary data analysis that included interviews with mufti /Islamic scholars we created a relationship between the above mentioned five levels of  violations  and the elements of an  advertisement.  In order to strengthen our analysis we had our evaluating scales and its variables endorsed by an Islamic  scholar.   Our variables were evaluated based on the five levels of Not allowed/Sins in Islam; which are Haram (Being the highest level of  violation  ), Makrooh-e-Tehreemi, Makrooh-e-Tanzeehi, Dislikes, Not Recommended and Mubaah (considere as breakeven point where there is no sin and no reward).  It also showed how this area of research is relatively new and there is a lot to be explored and worked upon. Our major limitations were the time and human resource constraints The findings of our data collected indicate that Telecommunication sector is the least compliant and Detergent sector being the most complaint comparatively in their marketing activities. We noticed that the most common violation was inappropriate displaying of females in various contexts. It also showed how certain actions and behaviors were promoted that goes against our culture and religion; considering how advertisements is a part of mass communication it plays a major role in shaping a societys social ethics and values . 5. Introduction Companies advertise for three main reasons; to create awareness about their product or service, to influence or persuade consumers to buy their product or service and to provide information about their product features and usage. Every person view advertisements differently for example for some it is a way to inform consumers about inflating prices and some view it as unnecessary hard effort to sell something. Advertisements have taken many forms to communicate to their target audience. Advertising has been revolutionized from past several years specifically in 2006 when YouTube was introduced. After this social media advertising became very famous and companies started going all viral. When a company decides to advertise, a lot of factors come into question. The company policies, industry norms as well as the product features itself play an important role as to what an advertisement is going to look like. Also the current advertising practices have an influence as what kinds of concepts are being currently used by different brands across various sectors. And of course, the legal constituents have to be looked at so that none of the advertising material has any illegal content in it. For this study, we are going to analyze the current advertising content being used in Pakistan by various brands/companies and compare them with Islamic teachings and traditions and establish whether these brands/companies are following the Islamic way considering the fact the Pakistan is an Islamic republic and therefore it can have a huge influence on the consumer mindsets regarding the daily lives as well as their perception regarding the brand/company or product itself. Through this study we also aim to find out how much, if so, are the brands/companies treading over water when it comes to advertising according to Islamic teachings and principles. By selecting particular sectors, we will study which sector has the most frequent use of such practices in their advertising and marketing 5.1 Variables of the study The variables of the study include the following: Factual Information Living thing element Morals and Ethics The Product itself Advertisement of three major sector Factual information: If the claim is not valid and tested by an authority than it is considered to be fraud or malpractice in the religion of Islam. A business or advertisement is required to only make claims that are properly tested by a recognized authority and prove their claims. Also, An advertiser must not lie or cover up information from the consumer. Facts must be presented in a clear and easily understandable manner. Living Thing Element: This element is based on the three perspective of modern, liberal and conservative views of Islamic practices. However we choose to refer to the liberal view as it is neither of the two extreme opinions on the showcasing of living beings Morals and ethics: This is similar to the everyday prescribed Islamic practices as applied to the daily lives of Muslim. Same should translate onto the business dealings, trading and advertising as the basic principles or moral rights, decency, modesty and ethics remain the same. Particular guidelines are established through reference to the Holy Quran and also through the principles and teaching of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Product itself: The product itself must be a halal product and free from haram or un-Islamic ingredients such as alcohol and swine. If a haram ingredient exist in a product it is an internal flaw of the product and this product should not be traded with the Muslim public. However, if the product is Halal and free of haram ingredients but is sold or used in a manner which is considered improper or haram in the Islamic Shariah then, an external flaw is said to exist in the product. Advertisement content: Advertisements were selected based on convenience sampling techniques. We selected sectors with the largest television advertisement spending and therefore highest frequency of advertisement aired in a given period of time. 5.2 Research methodology Only qualitative research shall take place. Preliminary research will be done by interviewing several muftis and Islamic experts in order to know the basic Islamic principle of advertising. Also Fatwas or endorsements by Islamic scholars or experts will be taken from them to strengthen the validity of our research. . Advertisements will be selected from each sectors and evaluated on the basis of a standard checklist to make comparisons. Secondary research will included the research papers and journal papers already present on the subject of Islamic advertising 5.3 Sample size sample techniques We are observing convenience based sampling. We selected the last three years i.e. 2009, 2010, 2011 from which we took the advertisement to evaluate. Also, from each sector we selected three companies with the highest advertising budgets as their advertisements appeared on air the most often. In each year we considered 5.4 Scope of study We selected all the top 3 sectors which contributed highest in the Tv advertisements on the basis of the research done by Pakistan Advertisers Society. We selected top 3 companies from each sector and evaluate their 3 years Tvc on the basis of theoretical framework. This research was done in Karachi with the available Tvc. As we were evaluating ads on the basis of Islamic principle, we need a good insight in Islamic teaching in evaluating Ads for which we interview Mr Irshad Ahmad who is Mufti and Shariah Advisor at Bank Islami. 5.5 Research objectives This purpose of this study is: To establish whether Pakistani advertisements are according to the Islamic principles of advertising. To identify the different sectors advertisements that does not follow basic Islamic rules and regulations. To determine the level of violation committed by the selected companies in the sector. To determine in which areas the most violations occur To determine the nature of the violations 5.6 Research questions What are the basic Islamic principles and parameters an advertiser is required to follow? What is the alignment with Advertisement regulation bodies/system, ethics and Islamic Advertisement? Is the advertisement content supporting or following the Islamic principles? What is the number or intensity of violation committed by the advertisement? 6. Literature review We reviewed articles, journals, books and research paper. All the research and readings were done online using various websites including Online Emeralds Journals, Queensland university of Sydney Online Library and Szabist Digital Library. We came across a definition of Islamic Marketing i.e.The process of identification and implementation of value maximization strategies for the Welfare of the stakeholders in particular and the society in general governed by the guidelines given in Quran and Sunnah (Hassnain, 2011). This helps us in giving a direction of what our research would revolve around and where and how to initiate it. It also provided a basis to carry out our research further and establish the basic parameter to base our finding on. As per research, it shows that this area of Evaluating advertising on the basis of Islamic teachings or perspective is vast. Limited studies have been carried out to satisfy the coverage of all Islamic parameter. Its one of the areas where we see growing interest of researchers, development is also taking place where Islamic standards and parameters are being set for marketers/advertisers who plan to opt for following Islamic way of marketing.   In the studies that are available its noticeably mentioned by Islamic scholars and authorities that advertising/marketing is a practice that has existed since the beginning of the religion itself provided there are fine lines based on Quran, Hadith and interpretations of scholars, with in which every allowed/halal business is allowed to market their product or service. One of the prominent and interesting findings that is relatively new in nature and which we plan to explore further as well is the new concept of two new Ps as per Islamic Marketing. They are apart from the existing 7Ps of marketing known as Promise and Patience. (Abuznaid, 2012, p.7) 6.1 Islamic Principles of Advertising According to Quran and Sunnah, consumers must ensure that all the 4ps of marketing should be according to Islamic principles also if any transaction is occurring than all the parties must benefit from it. All the advertisements should be communicated in a truthful manner rather than misleading or cheating the consumers, also all the dealings should be carried out in a justice way (Hanafy and Salam, 1988) The three key purpose or functions of the advertising is to inform the consumer about products or services and their features whether they are already existing or new products or services launched, to persuade them to purchase and then to repurchase the products, and also to remind them about the product over a period of time (Kotler and Armstrong, 2004). This will lead them to a healthy competition and customers will benefit from huge varieties of products and services (Anwar and Saeed, 1996). Nevertheless Islamic advertising variables are applied to the communication style such as, honesty of communication which includes factual information and truthful representation of facts and figures, acknowledging and appreciating that all human being are different and embracing the diversity of the human race, justice, equality and fairness, the respect and position of women, the parts women play in life, patterns of consumption behavior, ethical values and modesty, and the environment and its wellbeing (Rice and Al-Mossawi 2002) People are trying to identify Islamic ways of consumption and marketing. Muslim consumers are growing due to their purchasing power and this increase in purchasing power is due to development of the middle class and economic systems where people can afford to buy branded products and are particularly brand conscious (Nasr, 2009). Also, Muslim entrepreneurs are also increasing in Muslim societies and they are eagerly following Islamic principles of marketing (Adas, 2006;Osella and Osella, 2009). People viewed Muslims as poor and that they dont have any knowledge about branded products because they were considered as uneducated and militants. ( Said, 1978) The market was on a halt until and unless Muslim consumers were discovered, Islam has become more visible now in many societies and several studies appeared on Islamic movements (Esposito, 1998; Wiktorowicz, 2004; Bayat, 2005).Religious teachings greatly affect the choice of consumers in an Islamic market, any marketing campaign which is haram or not according to Islamic principles will face major problem in an Islamic market (Alserhan, (2010) Showing unnecessary spending on useless things in advertisements is against Islamic teachings. Nevertheless showing price discounts are not forbidden. (Abdullah, 2008). Quran states, Those who, when they spend, are not extravagant and not niggardly, but hold a just (balance) between those (extremes) (Al-Furqan-25:67). 6.2 Islamic Perspectives on Advertising Scholars say that advertising itself is not haram as it just incorporates a medium of giving a message to the general public, they state that preaching can also be considered as a form of advertising but they say that just like preaching, certain ethics should be followed while advertising ones products or services (Nooh, 2009). The main conflicts which arise between ethics and advertising are the exploitation of women and promoting unwanted use of products. Moreover, Current advertising practices are said to contain various social and ethical problems that reflect little knowledge and awareness of the advertiser on how to effectively market to their Muslim target audience in a manner that increases their acceptability. Contemporary advertisements appear to be more focused on materialism. These advertisements promote consumerism rather than adequately informing the user about the functional uses of their product and purposely hide the flaws of the product while exaggerating the benefits. (Bari Zamin, 2011) The core problem apparently lies with two things; issues regarding advertisement that include women exploitation and subliminal perception, Secondly deceptive form of advertising, that is legally staying with the boundaries but ethically not, by taking undue advantage of limitations a person has while viewing different form of advertisement (not able to read between the lines, the special terms and conditions that are hardly visible etc. Advertising also includes the element of informing consumers about products and services according to basic Islam teachings. They represent the basic Islamic teachings of respecting elder people and creating a positive bond rather than showing provocative images, haram products or free mixing of girls and boys which is completely prohibited in Islam. 6.3 Islamic Moral Standards Six ethical principles of Islamic values truthfulness and honesty and being straight forward with all information and dealings. Faith or trustworthiness on the brand developed through Islamic practices; Sincerity and clarity in presentation of facts and conduct. Brotherhood as it is the primary focus of Islamic society and great emphasis is laid on Islamic brethren and brotherhood, innovations and developments in science and technology and the roles it plays, and justice and equality as it is considered a primary basis for all functions in islam. These were ethical principles identified (Hanafy and Salam, 1988)Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) said: I have been sent only for the purpose of perfecting good morals. When questioned Which Muslim has the perfect faith? The Prophet (pbuh) replied: He who has the best moral character(Alghazzali, 1983). Emergence of new muslimenrepreneurs is leading to an ethical way of conducting businesses and marketing (Demir et al., 2004; Adas, 2006;OsellaandOsella, 2009). Applying Islamic principles into marketing gives an ethical dimension to margeting campaings as compared to conventional marketing which has an unethical record. Using immoral means in advertising can cause serious downfalls in the structure of a society causing it to deteriorate. Deceptive advertising being one of them is a major cause but sometimes it can be a case of mistaken identity. Sometimes, misinterpretation on the end of the consumer watching the ad can be considered can ill-information in the ad; however it can still cause a negative impact for brands in the minds of consumer resulting in a decline for the brand. In the case of advertising of fast food products, the author argues that the brands are to be equally blamed as much as the advertisers because their marketing strategy itself is based on creating an unwanted need amongst consumers, especially children (Nooh, 2012). Violence is also a major flaw in advertising which can have major effects on young ad viewers like children as it can encourage them to obtain aggressive habits which leads to unhealthy behavior (Nooh, 2012). Subliminal marketing cannot be termed as a practice of unethical advertising. It is merely a practice used by brands to create brand awareness amongst consumers using hidden messages. These ad themselves are not producing any unethical values or behaviors (Nooh, 2012). Sexual appeal used in ads causes young adults to take up celebrities as idols and start mirroring their lives in their own. They follow their fashion trends, lifestyles and make themselves just like the celebrities. Sexual appeal also causes consumers to carry an offensive mindset about a particular brand. Only people who are strong brand loyalists only successfully reject the offensive mindset and focus on the concept of the ad (El Hattab, 2008). Emotional appeal can lead to an increase in unwanted desires and can cause consumers to purchase product which they dont need at all and even cause them harm in the future. This can be particularly seen by the increased consumption of fast food by adolescents and young adults (El Hattab, 2008). The female contingent of the consumers still have a higher tendency to become more offended by unwanted content in advertisements than their male counterparts (El Hattab, 2008). Companies invest heavily in manufacturing certain products; they use celebrities and other famous personalities to feature in their ads. This is not only using emotional appeal in advertisements but this can also be considered as a form of deceptive advertising because the claims sometimes are baseless. This is considered to be completely unethical in Islam (Abbas Bari, 2011). The practice of showing mal dressed women in ads in on an increasing trend in the country but it can vary with the level of tolerance being present in the society. It varies from one country to another depending upon the state of the society in the country. Fairness in an ad is off utmost importance as well as according to Islamic teachings; consumers have every right to be completely informed about all aspects regarding any service or product (Abbas Bari, 2011). Similarly, overstating any products attributes or making claims which are not supported by any kind of proof or research have also been deemed to lie in the same category as deception. Advertisements today are openly spreading values and behaviors which are not acceptable in Islam and even though considering the economic system of the country which promotes a capitalistic nature in the conduct of ones business, it is imperative that all businesses keep in mind the features of the society they are functioning in and similarly the government should also play a key role in determining the right form of advertising starting from the grass root level which is basic education (Abbas Bari, 2011). 6.4 Islamic Ethics In Islam, ethics is more than just what is defined as right and wrong by the society. In Islam, as the ethics are mainly guided by the teachings of The Quran and Sunnah, ethics covers aspects of all physical, emotional and spiritual factors. Evaluating the advertisements can divide the effects into economic, political, cultural and moral effects the advertisements have had on the society (Nooh, 2009). Even though ethics is an integral part of all business aspects and not just advertising, Islam puts a moral barrier on the conduct of ones business related activities which helps a business man earn a rightful living through his transactions. It is unfair for any business to sell its products by false claims and deliberately hiding complete information about the concerned product or service (Akhter et al., 2011). As noted in the Quranic verse ,Standout firmly for justice, as witnesses to Allah, even though it be against yourself, or your parents, or your kin, be he rich or poorà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. (Quran, 4:135). Moreover, the holy prophet(SAW) said The sign of a hypocrite are three 1. Whenever he speaks he tells a lie. 2. Whenever he promises, He always breaks it. 3. If you trust him, he proves to be dishonest (Al-Bukhari, 1.32) and also: Prophet Muhammad (PBUM) forbade the sale of fruits till they are almost ripe. Anas was asked what is meant by are almost ripe He replied, Till they become red Allahs Messenger (PBUM) further said, If Allah spoiled the fruits, what right one would have to take the money of ones brother.(Al-Bukhari, 3.403) From this it can be determined the strict importance the religion of Islam places honesty and truthfulness. Therefore misleading claims and false promises are forbidden and should not be practiced. Advertising controversial products such as contraceptives and alcohol can lead to an offensive mindset in the eyes of the consumers. And not just Islamic consumers but those of every religion present in the world. Similarly, the controversial products identified are: addictive products such as tobacco or alcohol, indecent hygiene or personal products. Undergarments and private products, funeral services or memorial services, games of chance, weaponry and arms, medicines drugs and other pharmaceutical products, societies or parties with political affiliations, religious and ethnical groups, sexually transmittable diseases and viruses and weight reduction plan for overweight people (Edrogan. Et al, 2005) The greatest challenge over here is for marketers to come up with strategies to curb this offensive nature of such advertisements (Akhter et al., 2011). All brands, international and local, should come up with advertisement concepts which would suits the tastes of the majority Islamic public. This would not only create a better brand image in the eyes of the consumers for the brand itself but also help in increasing their sales across the board (Akhter et al., 2011). 6.5 Women in Advertisements It is stated in the Quran, Let there arise of you a group of people inviting to all that is good (Islam)enjoining Al-Maruf and forbidding Al-Munkar and it is they who are successful [. . .] (A ˆ  l-Imran 3:104). This shows that all those advertisements are allowed in Islam that shows women in a decent manner with proper clothing and playing positive role both in the society and family. (Rice and Al-Mossawi, 2002). Islamic Tradition emphasizes that women should be modestly dressed and covers themselves according to the principles and guidelines established. It then follows that women if portrayed in advertisement should be dressed according to the Islamic principles. They are required to follow the hijab dress code which entails the covering of the entire body except the hands and face. (HanzaeeChitsaz, 2011) As mentioned in the Quran: O prophet, tell your wives, your daughters and the believing women to draw their veils close to them, so it is likelier they will be known, and not hurt. Allah is the forgiver, the most merciful.( Quran 33:59) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Do not display your finery as pagan women used to do in the olden days of ignoranceà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (Quran 33:33) And à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Do not reveal their adornment except that which is outward (face and hands); and let them draw their veils over their neckà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (Quran 24:33). Islam has protected women and according to Islamic code of dressing women should cover themselves completely including their whole bodies, only their hands are permitted to be visible. Qurans says: And tell the believing women to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things), and protect their private parts (from illegal sexual acts, etc.) and not to show off their adornment except only that which is apparent (like palms of hands or one eye or both eyes for necessity to see the way, or outer dress like veil, gloves, head-cover, apron, etc.), and to draw their veils all over Juyubihinna (i.e. their bodies, faces, necks and bosoms, etc.) and not to reveal their adornment except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands fathers, their sons, their husbands sons, their brothers or their brothers sons, or their sisters sons, or their (Muslim) women (i.e. their sisters in Islà ¢m), or the (female) slaves whom their right hands possess, or old male servants who lack vigor, or small children who have no sense of the shame of sex. And let them not stamp their feet so as to reveal what they hide of their adornment. And all of you beg Allah to forgive you all, O believers, th at you may be successful. [surah al-Noor 24:31] And Quran also mentions in another place: And as for women past child-bearing who do not expect wed-lock, it is no sin on them if they discard their (outer) clothing in such a way as not to show their adornment. But to refrain (i.e. not to discard their outer clothing) is better for them. And Allah is All-Hearer, All-Knower. [al-Noor 24:60] O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks (veils) all over their bodies (i.e. screen themselves completely except the eyes or one eye to see the way). That will be better, that they should be known (as free respectable women) so as not to be annoyed. And Allah is Ever Oft ¬Forgiving, Most Merciful. [Quran 33:59] In Islam a women must not wear thin clothes through which her whole body is visible. Also the clothes must not be skin tight. Western clothes are not allowed as they resemble mans clothing which is forbidden. Along with this the design of the clothes must not attract any man. Islam is very strict in women dressing so that no man is attracted towards women in to a lustful way because Islam protects women from wrong deeds. Ads featuring women should not have any semblance of overt sensuality or sexual connotations as this demeans the woman. Women are not objects and must not be portrayed as such and treated with respect and equality even if the sole objective is to promote and boost sales through their beauty (Anwar, 2011). This goes with all the teachings in Islam that women are to be treated with respect and not exploited in anyway. Women have been given a very high status in Islam and therefore exploiting women sexually or by any other mean in advertising should be considered not only as unethical but also haram as it is portraying a sin. Not only in Islamic societies, in other modern societies as well the exploitation of women is being considered as an unethical act and is being discouraged in all corners of the world 6.6 Islamic Products: Offensive product Vs. Offensive execution American advertisements show those things which are against other religions like Islam. Like the alcohol and drugs activities shows as it is a problem for society however it is less affecting other culture due to its limited scope. (Al-Jenaibi 2008)Drugs and alcohols are the problems and the only way to get rid of these problems is to show it on media and addressing this problem to society. (Al-Jenaibi, 2008) If they will know the problem then they can avoid it. Advertisements on these different problems are important for building on strong values to protect the society. (Al-Jenaibi, 2008) A customer should feel an ethical manner in a banks advertisements in all form of the business (Chachi et al., 2008). The bank should reach a level of ethicality where a customer would form trust, loyalty and satisfaction with the bank all at the same time.Similarly,the product should be perfected at the same time as the advertisement is. If the product has any flaws it will be very difficult for the bank to attract customers no matter how ethical they were being when it came to advertising. In the case of a bank, the company itself might not be at fault but its front end employees who are in direct interaction with the customers might sometimes overstate the value of a particular product to a customer and gain extra profits for sole purpose of their own personal benefit. . In the case of a service, as it can only be experienced the customer will only judge a particular service on the advertisements portrayed by the bank so therefore it is of utmost importance the bank practices complete ethical practices when advertising their products whether in an above the line tool or a below the line tool. In the below the line, the customers expectations are all but the product which the front end employee sells them (Chachi et al., 2008) For instance the basic differen between an Islamic financing tool and product that is financially equal is the interest charged on the financial instruments. The basic idea behing this thinking is that it is unfair to charge an interest or earn a revenue on a product because of its status as being lent to another person as the money that is borrowed should be returned equally as it is in part. Therefore value of the lended or borrowed money should not increase or decrease by Islamic guidelines (Ashraf, 2007). Through this we can deduce that any product which contains ingredients which would be considered as Haraam. According to the teachings of islam as stated in Quran and also observed in sunnah of the prophet it would be considered as an Illegal product. Substances like alcohol and swine have been strictly prohibited as various points in the Quran so we can deduce that any products made from these substances would automatically be considered as haram without any area of considerati on. However, any product that comprises of all legal materials in its making but a brand/ company promotes an unethical use for it through advertisements and marketing may be considered as an un-Islamic product or haram product through the rule of external flaw. Other variables that effect advertising include privacy, inaccurate information religious and social norms. Role of ethics in performance, behavior, decision, attitude, communication and choices are very important. (Sanayei et. al, 2012).Sanayeiet. al (2012) said previously ethics was considered as important but today marketers have violated the main foundation of ethics. All factors are important but according to result most important is privacy, then religious and social norms and thirdly the correct and accurate information. (Sanayei et. al, 2012) Al-Makaty (1996) is based on perception of 2 television advertisements in Saudi Arabia. There is no single Islamic approach to advertising. Contradictory approach firstly

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Prison Procedure, :: essays research papers

In dealing with Prison Procedure, I feel that many things are put into perspective all the way from intake to the release of an inmate back into the community or until they have served their sentence and their time is up. Everything in a prison must be on close watch. The workers should be watched just as well as the inmates. All the prisons procedures should be followed under a very strict manner to ensure that the prison functions properly and effectively.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Prison procedure should be very strict in every aspect pertaining to the institution. From the intake, the guards should evaluate every inmate entering the facility and then place them accordingly. There are many different things to look at when considering the placement of an inmate. The age and the nature of the offense are some key ones, also their race. All entering inmates must have full cavity searches prior to being placed in a cell; this is for guard and inmate safety purposes.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In running the prison the prison should be well advanced and should have only skilled and trained workers working under the institution. There should be no excuse for not knowing the proper prison procedures and rules. Punishment should be inflicted on those who don’t abide be them, for both the workers and the inmates.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In considering the proper procedure you should think about the inmate’s life, and how to control them. There are many things that can be done to maintain a controllable environment for an institution. Treating the inmates fair and just is one way to not get over emotional inmates that might cause a problem. Another way is providing work opportunities and other recreational activities to keep the inmates busy and to help pass the time.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The inmates should undergo regular room inspections to inspect for any items or belongings that the prison feels is a threat and that the inmate should not be allowed to have, like any illegal substances or drugs and also weapons or any item that could be used as a weapon should be seized. They should also undergo regular evaluations to see if they have improved while being in prison, and if they will be ready to return to the community when they are granted release.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The inmate’s health and nutrition is an important part in running a prison. The inmates should be fed properly, and also their emotional status should not be ignored, and it should be taken into account.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

AIDS in Africa :: Research Papers Term Papers

AIDS in Africa I. Introduction In 1983, the first report indicating that wealthy Africans were seeking medical treatment for AIDS in Europe, was published in a medical journal. What the world did not know at that time, was that AIDS had been spreading rapidly through parts of central Africa for years. Furthermore, no one ever imagined that, by the end of the year 1997, an estimated 30.6 million persons in the world would be infected with HIV, the virus causing AIDS, with the majority of these people living in Africa (Feldman and Miller 14). The prospect of AIDS being responsible for over two million funerals in the year 1998 alone, was also something that no one had ever thought possible. However, the reality is that the HIV/AIDS situation in Africa has blown out of control, and the current epidemic as it exists there is far greater and more widespread than that of the rest of the world. Sub-Saharan Africa, which is the region of Africa hit hardest by the epidemic, is home to only one-tenth of the worldâ€⠄¢s population, yet reportedly accounts for 71 percent of the infected population, 79 percent of cumulative AIDS related deaths and 92 percent of the world’s AIDS orphans. At the end of 1999, 24.5 million adults and children were living with HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa. Also taking a toll, is the life expectancy rate of Africans, which has dropped from sixty-one to thirty-nine years in the past decade, and is estimated to shrink to thirty-one years by 2008 due to the AIDS epidemic. Although AIDS is just one of the problems presently facing Africa, it is a major concern that needs to be addressed, before entire cultures are wiped out. AIDS has already claimed more lives than the total of all wars, famines, floods and such deadly diseases as malaria on the African continent (Laino). Attempts to eliminate or at least alleviate AIDS in Africa, though, have not been easy or rather successful. For a variety of reasons, due mainly to the cultural and economic aspects of Afr ica, AIDS itself, and thus the treatment and prevention of it, on this continent is different from the situation in the US, or most other developing countries for that matter. Evidence of this can best be seen through the inability of the rest of the world to help deal with the problem of AIDS in Africa (as it is clear that a country as poor as Africa can not survive this fight on their own) which has allowed the problem to spiral out of control.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Essays --

What affects do Steroids have on Weightlifters? Weightlifters have been known to abuse steroids to a greater extent than athletes in other sports. Interviews have been made from the young athletes and adults who have taken steroids on the reasons why and the outcomes of the drug towards their body. It has been proven that athletes use steroids for better results in their body shape or for the strive to succeed. What they dont bring to mind and think twice of before they intake the drug is what effects can the drug abuse of steroids have on the body of a weightlifter? Anabolic Steroids or AAS were founded in the 1930’s and is a drug many athletes and weightlifters abuse for the desire to win against their competition (Parikh, Rahul). Steroids produce testosterone and can be both harmful and helpful. Steroids are regarded as prescription and are only a synthetic substance. There’s over 100 types of steroids but the main sources that steroids are made of is plants, animals and fungi. Steroids are abused for the use of muscle mass and a better performance in the sport that is being played. Steroids can be taken in as injections, tablets, capsules, sublingual-tablets, liquid drops, subdermal implant pellets, transdermal patches, creams and finally, gel applied directly to the skin (Parikh, Rahul). Many weightlifters combine steroids with other substances and drugs for â€Å"better† outcomes against their competitors. The outcome of steroids towards the body depends on the amount of dosage you take in (Parikh, Rahul). Steroids give off mood swings causing that person to be more aggressive and mean. Violence is more accurate when dealing with steroids (Performance-enhancing drugs). Steroids are illegal all over the world unless prescribed to... ...ack for life. Say no to anabolic steroids or any type of drug. Be the athlete you are meant to be and strive for success through your ambition and dedication. You can do all things through christ who strengthens you. Steroids don’t make you stronger mentally, you as a true athlete will be happy through the hard work you put in and the time of day. Train like a beast and be the best athlete in the world clean and pure. The effects on your body from abusing steroids or any other drug are up to you. Would you rather risk your life from getting sick and dying, being stuck in prison and throwing away your chances of being a true winner or would you say no to the drug, train the right way and work your heart out and become fit and successful the way a true weightlifter should? The decisions are up to you, no one can change what your mind and heart desire except yourself.

History of the Malaysian Constitution Essay

The foundation of the Constitution of Malaysia was laid on 10 September 1877. It began with the first meeting of the Council of State in Perak, where the British first started to assert their influence in the Malay states. Under the terms of the Pangkor Engagement of 1874 between the Sultan of Perak and the British, the Sultan was obliged to accept a British Resident. Hugh Low, the second British Resident, convinced the Sultan to set up advisory Council of State, the forerunner of the state legislative assembly. Similar Councils were constituted in the other Malay states as and when they came under British protection. Originally playing an advisory role, the function of the council was later extended to include both legislative and executive functions. This continued until 1948 when the Federation of Malaya was formed by two agreements, namely the State Agreement and the Federation of Malaya Agreement. The State Agreement was of great significance to Malaysia’s constitutional development. By virtue of this agreement, the Malay Rulers with the advice and concurrence of the traditional chiefs and elders of the states promulgated their respective State Constitutions except for Johor and Terengganu where Constitutions had already been in place since 1895 and 1911 respectively. The Rulers were also required to distinguish the legislative power in their respective states from the executive power, by constituting a legislative body, called the Council of State and State Executive Council whose advice he was required to obtained. The Federation of Malaya Agreement that served as the core for the current federal system of central government was concluded as a compromise to the much-opposed Malayan Union. The Federation consisted of the Federated Malay States (FMS), the Unfederated Malay States and the Straits Settlements of Penang and Melaka. The FMS consisted of Perak, Selangor, Pahang and Negeri Sembilan while the non-FMS were Kedah, Perlis, Kelantan, Terengganu and Johor. The federal government comprised the High Commissioner, an Executive Council and Legislative Council. The agreement also provided for a Conference of Rulers with its own elected chairman. Each of the states had its own Executive Council and Council of States to deal with all matters not specifically reserved to the Federation. The Federal Government was responsible for defence, the police, and the railways, labour, broadcasting, post and finance. This 1948 Constitution remained in force with some essential amendments, until 1957 when the Federation of Malaya gained its ndependence. A constitutional conference was held in London from 18 January to 6 February 1956 when the British promised Independence and self-government to the Federation of Malaya. It was attended by a delegation from the Federation of Malaya, consisting of four representatives of the Malay Rulers, the Chief Minister of the Federation (Tunku Abdul Rahman) and three other ministers, and also by the British High Commissioner in Malaya and his advisers. 1] The conference proposed the appointment of a commission to devise a constitution for a fully self-governing and independent Federation of Malaya. [2] This proposal was accepted by Queen Elizabeth II and the Malay Rulers. Accordingly, pursuant to such agreement, the Reid Commission, consisting of constitutional experts from fellow Commonwealth countries and headed by Lord William Reid, a distinguished Lord-of-Appeal-in-Ordinary, was appointed to make recommendations for a suitable constitution. The report of the Commission was completed on 11 February 1957. The report was then examined by a working party appointed by the British Government, the Conference of Rulers and the Government of the Federation of Malaya and the Federal Constitution was enacted on the basis of its recommendations. [4] The Constitution came into force on 27 August 1957 but formal independence was only achieved on 31 August however. The constitutional machinery devised to bring the new constitution into force consisted of: In the United Kingdom, the Federation of Malaya Independence Act 1957, together with the Orders in Council made under it. The Federation of Malaya Independence Act, 1957 passed by the British Parliament gave parliamentary approval to Her Britannic Majesty Queen Elizabeth II to terminate her sovereignty and jurisdiction in respect of the Straits Settlements of Melaka and Penang and all powers and jurisdiction in respect of the Malay States or the Federation as a whole. The Federation of Malaya Agreement 1957, made on 5 August 1957 between the British High Commissioner on behalf of Queen Elizabeth II and the Malay Rulers. The Agreement contained the new Constitution of the Federation of Malaya (and the new constitutions of Penang and Melaka). In the Federation, the Federal Constitution Ordinance 1957, passed on 27 August 1957 by the Federal Legislative Council of the Federation of Malaya formed under the Federation of Malaya Agreement 1948. The new constitutions of the Federation as well as Penang and Melaka were given the force of law by the Ordinance. In each of the Malay states, State Enactments, and in Melaka and Penang, resolutions of the State Legislatures, approving and giving force of law to the federal constitution. The Federal Constitution was significantly amended when Sabah, Sarawak, and Singapore joined the Federation to form Malaysia in 1963.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Poetry project Essay

He is that fallen lance that lies as hurled, That lies unlifted now, come dew, come rust, But still lies pointed as it plowed the dust. If we who sight along it round the world, See nothing worthy to have been its mark, It is because like men we look too near, Forgetting that as fitted to the sphere, Our missiles always make too short an arc. They fall, they rip the grass, they intersect The curve of earth, and striking, break their own; They make us cringe for metal-point on stone. But this we know, the obstacle that checked And tripped the body, shot the spirit on Further than target ever showed or shone. How does poetry help you see yourself/your world differently? Imagery Imagery is when the poet describes the items in the poem and the reader can picture or feel as the poet wants them to. When poets use imagery they want the reader to be able to see in their mind what the poem is about. Imagery is used with adjectives. The Gladiator Kevin Prufer When I died When my blood feathered away and I stared blankly and sideways into the grass. When the grass ceased against my cheek, I could not help but remember the gladiator who, in falling, never groans, who, ordered to accept it,  does not contract his neck for the final blow. And the hillside grew quiet. The bombers passed withering the trees and the city to flame. The empire fell. My empire, like a blood drop into the grass. It is of little consequence to the observer if the gladiator falls forward into the dirt. He is of a mind, merely, to do as he is told. He will not see the emperor’s thumbs. His city fell to its knees and burned, rolled on its side, but he won’t think of it. Those who once cheered for him are cheering still. The airplanes flew over the hill and I, crouched in the grass, was terrified but did not look up, did not complain  when a lost bomb startled me away. Seal William Jay Smith See how he dives From the rocks with a zoom! See how he darts Through his watery room Past crabs and eels. And green seaweed Past fluffs of sandy Minnow feed! See how he swims With a swerve and a twist, A flip of the flipper, A flick of the wrist! Quicksilver-quick, Down he plunges Softer than spray, Down he plunges And sweeps away; Before you can think Before you can utter Words like â€Å"Dill pickle† Or â€Å"Apple butter,† Back up he swims Past sting-ray and shark, Out with a zoom, A whoop, a bark; Before you can say Whatever you wish,  He plops at your side With a mouthful of fish! 1. In â€Å"Seal† how does the use of rhyme scheme keep you entertained throughout the poem? 2. After you have read both poems: How do the authors compare and contrast in their use of imagery? Which one did you like better? Why? After you read: How did your poem compare to these ones? How was yours different. Did you like the way these poets used imagery? Why/Why not? Figures of Speech A figure of speech is the use of a word or multiple words that can do many things. Simile – A comparison of two things using like or as. Example: I am as sly as a fox. Metaphor – A comparison of two things not using like or as. Example: Life is a Journey. Personification – Giving an inanimate object human quality. Example: The tree waved. Hyperbole – An extreme exaggeration of something. I stood there, waiting for you, for 74 hours. And there are other kinds of Figures of Speech but these are the most common ones. Before You Read: Do you use figures of speech when you write your poems? Why do you use them or don’t use them? While you are reading: Do you understand these uses of figures of speech? Why does the author use the simile/metaphor/etc. in this way? The Writer Richard Wilbur In her room at the prow of the house Where light breaks, and the windows are tossed with linden, My daughter is writing a story. I pause in the stairwell, hearing From her shut door a commotion of typewriter-keys Like a chain hauled over a gunwale. Young as she is, the stuff Of her life is a great cargo, and some of it heavy: I wish her a lucky passage. But now it is she who pauses, As if to reject my thought and its easy figure. A stillness greatens, in which The whole house seems to be thinking, And then she is at it again with a bunched clamor. Of strokes, and again is silent. I remember the dazed starling Which was trapped in that very room, two years ago; How we stole in, lifted a sash And retreated, not to affright it; And how for a helpless hour, through the crack of the door, We watched the sleek, wild, dark And iridescent creature Batter against the brilliance, drop like a glove To the hard floor, or the desk-top, And wait then, humped and bloody, For the wits to try it again; and how our spirits Rose when, suddenly sure, It lifted off from a chair-back, Beating a smooth course for the right window And clearing the sill of the world. It is always a matter, my darling, Of life or death, as I had forgotten. I wish What I wished you before, but harder. What are frail? Spring blossoms and youth; What are deep? The ocean and truth. How can sorrow be heavy as said in the poem? Today and Tomorrow be brief? Youth be frail? And truth be deep? Sounds of Poetry Sounds of poetry contain many different elements including rhyme, rhythm, onomatopoeia, alliteration, and there subtopics. Rhyme –The repetition of the sound of the stressed vowel and anything after it. Approximate rhyme –Not exact rhyme, not an echo. Internal rhyme –Rhyme inside of a line or lines. End rhyme –Usual rhyme at the end of lines. Rhythm –A musical quality of repetition. Meter –Regular pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables. Iamb –Unstressed followed by stressed. Foot –Stressed followed by one or more unstressed. Trochee –opposite of an iamb. Anapest –Two unstressed followed by a stressed. Dactyl –Stressed followed by two unstressed. Spondee –Two stressed syllables. Onomatopoeia –Words that sound like what they mean. Alliteration –The repetition of the same consonant sound in several words. Assonance –The repetition of vowel sounds.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

America’s Management of the Cold War

The cold war pertains to the tension and rivalry the existed between America and the Soviet Union approximately after the end of the Second World War until the late 1970’s.   Neither side confronted each other directly in a full blown war but they channel their competition and rivalry through wars in other nations who fought for their ideals on their behalf.The Vietnam War where America is set against combating communism illustrated that cold war conflict.   Despite the oppressive and corrupt government of Ngo Dinh Diem of South Vietnam, his anti communist stance won him the support of the American government to fight against the pro communist North Vietnam under Ho Chi Minh, who was backed up by Russia and China.Following the Domino theory, the American government along with their Western Allies feared that communism will spread like a disease from one country to another and the power and influence of the Soviet Union will further expand. (Kissinger, p15)The Vietnam War a s a dummy war between the US and the Soviet Union was an effort to contain the spread of communism which threatened and impeded the objective of the US government to achieve political, economic and military hegemony in the world.Politically, communism is directly in contrast to the political ideologies and principles that served as the pillars for the foundation of a political governance of the America, to wit, free election, capitalism, individual freedom and democracy, among others.Economically, the political dominance of communism is detrimental to the capitalistic endeavors of the US and its western allies in enhancing their access to global market for their expanding capitalistic economy. Democracy is necessary to open nations to engage in free trade and restrict the economic intervention of governments in facilitating the same.Militarily, the maintenance of a state of war permitted and justified the perpetual endeavor and investment for the creation and proliferation of modern military arsenal, which will help ensure the military dominance of the US.And indeed, the cold war bear witnessed to the unprecedented advancement of military weaponry, the nuclear arms race (e.g. Hydrogen Bomb) as well as equipment and agencies for global espionage (CIA and KGB).In the late 1960s’, the threat of communism in the US is starting to gain attention in the midst of the civil rights movement and the unpopularity of the Vietnam War, among others which engendered civil unrests at the home front.Driven by anti communism anxieties, the Cold War thus served to further justify the increased government control over the American citizens which was manifested with the expansion of executive power.   In 1950 for instance, US President Truman contended that spending appropriations (especially for military operations) is the discretionary power of the president.   (Fausold and Shank, p113).Also, the House of Un-American Activities Committee was created for the Investigat ion, early detection and curtailment of communism especially directed against labor union leaders, suspected government officials and other political personalities.Under these premises, the cold war benefits and served the US best in order to withstand the threat of communism and eventually thrived to become the most powerful nation in the world.The military intervention and US foreign policy during the cold war for purposed of achieving political power and maintaining corporate profit were essential components for establishing the imperialistic dominion that the US currently enjoys today.   â€Å"Russia walked out of the cold war game leaving the US alone in front of the chess board.† (Zinn and Arnove, p548)ReferencesFausold, M and Shank, A. (1991). The Constitution and the American presidencySUNY PressKissinger, H. (2003). Ending the Vietnam War: A History of America's Involvement in and Extrication from the Vietnam War. Touchstone BooksZinn, H. and Arnove, A. (2004). Voi ces of a people's history of the United States. Seven Stories Press  

Saturday, September 14, 2019

The Themes of Robert Frosts Poetry

The main themes of Robert frosts poetry are: Nature and mans interaction with it. Also real people and real struggle; the deeper meanings of everyday life. For this essay I will discuss ‘mending wall', ‘the road not taken', ‘out, out-‘ and ‘provide, provide’. Mending wall is about a stone wall separating the speaker's property from his neighbour’s. In spring, the two meet to walk the wall and make any necessary repairs. The speaker sees no reason for the wall to be kept as there are no livestock to contain. This wall building act seems to have ancient roots. It involves spells to stop the elves or whoever from breaking the wall. The neighbor appears a stone-age savage while hoisting and re-building the wall. This poem deals with nature and peoples interactions with it. By keeping the wall in good condition they are keeping their land and also their relationship healthy. The road not taken, in this the speaker stands in the woods, considering a fork in the road. Both ways are equally worn and overlaid with untrodden leaves. The speaker chooses one telling himself he’ll choose the other another day . et he knows it is unlikely that he will have the opportuninty. This fork in the road which shows two paths symbolises free will and fate; we are free to choose, but we do not really know what we are choosing between. This is a real decision real people make in everyday life. In outout frosts decpicts the abrupt death of a young boy whose hand was cut off during an accident with a buzz saw. The boys begs his sister not to allow the docto r to amputate his hand but inwardly realises he has lost too much blood. The boy dies under anesthesia and everyone goes abck to work. Frost seems to be sayong there was no real need for the boys death and the adults are to bkame in thos situation. Hpwever frost knows death is a part of life. This poem nderlines the inevitability of death and the futitily of life. Provide provide is a reminder that life can be harsh and unforgiving. Frost wrote this poem in hos early sixties and was probably feeling like life was catching up on him. He was beginning to feel his age. Frosts talks about the facts of getting oler, for example beauty fades and we should enjoy our fifteen minutes of fame because they won’t last . he also offers some advice; make sure you die early so people remember you as young, but if you aren’t lucky enough to die young make a lot of money so you can live and die in comfort. When the time comes to die make sure you surround your self with friends you either made or bought, don’t die alone. The last two lines are also the title reminding us to provide for our old age because no one else will. This poem features heavily on regret. Frost regrets that he spent too much time living in the present and didn’t put anything aside for hos later years, he seems quite bitter about this. This poem is also about mortality and the face that old, and subsequently death, happens to everyone. Robert frost deals with life issues in his poetry. He writes openly about his opinions on life and death. These topics affect us all and therefore we can relate to them.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Chinatown Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Chinatown - Essay Example However, since the economy of America got destabilized, the labor force of China became a danger to the conventional community. Racial bias and tyrannical administration brought the Chinese people from the area of gold mines to the refuge of the locality that came to be recognized as Chinatown. It is the sole ethnic cluster in the account of the United States that have been particularly deprived of entry into the nation, the Chinese people were forbidden by law to give evidence in court, to vote, to possess property, to get married to non-Chinese, to get employed in institutional agencies and to have families to join them. The survival and success of Chinatown relied to a great extent on the family unit and neighborhood compassionate clusters which served as social and political support frameworks to the new-entrants. The associates strove to convene the essential requirements of the group of people, and represented an integrated say in the struggle against prejudiced legislation pro cedure. "CHINATOWN"  presents a informative perception towards how a cluster of people have been restricted culturally, linguistically, economically and geographically throughout aggressive times and how it has grown today to turn out to be a courageous, proud and vibrant society for the â€Å"Chinese Americans† and the â€Å"greater New York†, which is known to be in Chinese as â€Å"Dai Fao† (Big City). (Joe, 1995) Today’s Chinatown Today Chinatown has turned into a distinctive neighborhood characterized by its inhabitants, its organizations and its olden times that accounts for a story of welcome, refusal and recognition. The buildings built according to the Chinese-style and the constricted busy roads provide Chinatown its identity. Beyond the golden storefronts various tenements full of aged people and fresh immigrants stressed with issues caused by years of elimination and unfairness, health problems, substandard housing and unemployment, could be found all over the city. Central part of Chinatown itself has been restricted by its competence to develop, today no longer acts as the key housing region for the Chinese population of the New York. Numerous people have settled out of the packed Chinatown to the Sunset and Richmond regions. During the year 1977, the Chinese Community Housing Corporation and the Chinatown Resource Center commenced a wide-ranging development plan determined to discover way outs for the changes in the patterns of land use. From the time of 1895 the citizens of the Chinese American community coalition has struggled in opposition to disenfranchisement of the dwellers of the Chinese origin and supported a good amount of community assignments. Population, employment and industry In the Census of 1980 it can be found that 84.5% (for a total of 124,372) of the New York region's Chinese population lived in the New York City, and the greater part of the Chinese people of the New York City are comparatively de nser in 3 counties namely the New York County (41.9 %), Queens County (31.8 %) and Kings County (21.0 %). Moreover 73 % of the Chinese people of the New York County used to reside in fourteen census bands in the Lower East Manhattan. The Chinese migrants, above all the new immigrants, have a tendency to look for